After Finance it’s right to work before my 3:30 pm meeting with my Statistics group. With our Living Document 2 due this week everyone is working ahead of schedule to ensure enough time to finish that monstrous essay.
That afternoon while explaining hypothesis tests for my write-up I learn that Fisher Price has decided not go with any students from Northeastern for their marketing co-op. While I had anticipated this (it has been, after all, nine weeks since I submitted my application) it is still is a downer to know that one less option exists for me.
However, along with this cloud, my Yahoo account gives me some positive news. First, I’ve been invited back for a second interview at Transparent Language! I’ll be meeting with the Social Media Manager sometime next week. How exciting! I also get an e-mail from my executive mentor offering to have me stop by his office at Gatehouse Media for a day of job shadowing. I’m very excited about this opportunity and hope I can find some time in my hectic schedule to make it work.
Before heading home that night I stop by the bookstore to pick up a copy of our Samsung case study for the India IFS trip. Sometimes I forget that our IFS trip is an actual class with homework due. It’s easy to get caught up in the travel portion and forget that it's worth three credits!
Tuesday afternoon finds me doing more statistical tests. In between two-tailed sample tests and a regression analysis I get an e-mail confirming my second round of Transparent Language interviews for next Tuesday in New Hampshire. I immediately book a Zipcar and begin my research.
After my group is satisfied with our Statistics assignment, I set about finalizing the Marketing Club’s revised submission to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. They had requested some changes to our initial defected member survey and we’re putting together some edits.
Wednesday is a big day! I have another interview; this time with Au Bon Pain for a category management position. It would be great to land this job since it’s located in Boston and the position seems interesting: it would be dealing with competitor analysis. The interview goes well (I think) and my interviewer was very nice, even bringing me a free ceramic travel mug from Au Bon Pain. He says I should know whether I make it to a second interview in a couple of days.
Later that day I receive an e-mail from the Career Center letting me know that another company would like to interview me. Vention Medical, a Massachusetts company specializing in integrated solutions for medical companies, has an opening in their social media department.
The rest of the night is spent pounding away at my computer keys in an effort to finish my Living Document 2.
Thursday, after a long day of classes, I head to a Marketing Club meeting to help hand out our new mugs! The mugs are decorated with the new, official Marketing Club logo from our design competition a few weeks ago. We order Upper Crust Pizza and the whole group catches up for an hour or so. After that, it’s off to meet my Operations team to begin work (early!) on our fourth assignment for The Boston Globe project. We compile a bunch of questions for our contact and send him an e-mail. While the assignment isn’t due until the week after next, schoolwork has been piling up and we all agree an early start is essential.
On a side note, my section is already getting e-mails from our Finance tutor hoping to schedule review sessions for our Finance final. While I really appreciate how on top of things he is, I barely have a moment to think about this week, let alone time to prepare something that isn’t due until three weeks from now.
After the Operations meeting I head home and spend what would be several hours working on my LD 2. I’m not in bed until 1:30 am.
Friday I’m up early to get to the library and finish my Living Document 2. It’s due by 4:30 pm. Luckily, with all the work I had put into it earlier this week, it only takes a few hours before I have the 40-page paper printed and bound.
After submitting it I check my e-mail to find that I have not been selected to move on with Au Bon Pain. I’m pretty upset and getting a bit tired of rejection, but at this point, I have so many other things to worry about that I don’t stay depressed for too long. Instead, I meet a friend at Panera (do you see how spiteful I am?) for some coffee.
After an hour of relaxing it’s back to campus to send The Massachusetts Horticultural Society The Marketing Club’s revised defected member survey. I begin wrapping up the consulting project. While we had originally planned to present our findings to the Mass Hort executive board, considering the time crunch, this does not seem like a viable option. Instead, I offer to have our findings professionally printed, bound and delivered to Mass Hort so that they can get it into the board members' hands.
I also meet with my financial aid adviser, trying to coordinate my financial needs for the coming months. For all you future Huskies, it's important to remember the role that the IFS trip and our corporate residency plays in financial aid. For example, the financial aid you will receive when you enter the program does not cover the IFS trip because the trip is technically in the summer and thus, a different academic year. Also, because of the six-month corporate residency, the Northeastern MBA program technically runs for three academic years. This means three FAFSAs while your here. Just keep all of this in mind when budgeting for your MBA program.
I meet with my teammate to hash out our portion of the interdisciplinary project around 3:00 pm. We work for a couple of hours on Ann Taylor’s competitor analysis but soon realize our brains are fried from the Living Document. We agree to finish our respective assignments at home and e-mail them to each other later tonight.
Invitations were also sent out today for an end-of-the-year Marketing Club picnic at the Boston Common. I’m very excited because hopefully it will be spring by that time (we had snow last week) and we can all enjoy some sandwiches and frisbee-playing in the sunshine.
Saturday and Sunday are no fun. On Saturday I’m back at Snell Library at 9:00 am and after hours of working on our interdisciplinary project I don’t leave until 5:30 pm that night. My friend and I stop by Unos Chicago Grill for a drink and appetizer before heading home to work on our project some more.
Sunday is the same story. I’m on campus at 9:30 am to meet for my Supply Chain write-up after which I’m at it with my interdisciplinary team from 1:00 pm until 5:00pm before I head home to try and finalize my flight itinerary for India (I’m leaving is just 3 weeks! Yikes). My travel plans are due to The Accent Group on Monday. I also work on the Finance homework that’s due tomorrow. With all these big deliverables it has been easy to forget that we have regular assignments as well.
I go to bed early in anticipation of the upcoming week.
*The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Northeastern, its staff or affiliates.
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